Copyright © Riggle Productions 2001

These are some of my most recent references. Please feel free to contact them if you would like a first-hand account about my recent performance at their venue. Also, please review the rest of my website, for further information that may assist you in considering my talents for your needs. Current contact information is available for these references through the Riggle Productions office. These references represent a wide variety of social & entertainment venues.

Jennifer Stuckey, Activities Coordinator
Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown, PA
Headline performer for independent living retirement community

Carrie Osborn, Fund-Raising Committee
Union Congregational Church in Holly Hill, FL
Headline performer for fund-raiser

Nancy Harden, Lifestyle Director
Carillon at Cambridge Lakes in Pingree Grove, IL
Headline performer for active adult community

Katy Bridges, PAC Coordinator
Clark County West Charleston Library, Las Vegas NV
Headline performer for community concerts

Michelle Pearl, Lifestyle Director
Del Webb Nexton, Summersville SC
Headline performer for active adult community

Chantel Lowdermilk, Events Management
Garrett College, McHenry MD
Headline performer for college concert series

Kimberly Mercado, Lifestyle Director
Victoria Gardens, Deland FL
Headline performer for active adult community

Maya Pelle, Member Relations
Rio Verde Country Club, Rio Verde NV
Headline performer for golf & country club

Julie Malewski, Events Coordinator
Bethany Beach Chamber of Commerce, Bethany Beach DE
Headline performer for community event

Dan Shaw, Director of Olin Fine Arts Center
Washington & Jefferson College
Headline performer for performing arts series

Bud Willard, Past Supreme Tall Cedar
Tall Cedars of Lebanon Fraternal Organization in Wildwood, NJ
Headline performer for annual national convention

Richard Eggerling, Past Potentate
Sesostris Shriners in Lincoln, NE
Headline performer for organization Christmas party

Updated - 01/23/2021