- Member of the Washington Community Theatre
- Member of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
- Season ticket holder for the
Steelers Football Club
- Director of the Camp Carmel Baptist Youth
Camp, Dunbar, PA
- Member and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the
Ten Mile Baptist Church, Amity, PA
- Member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Valley of Pittsburgh, 32°
- Member of the Museum of Television and Radio
- Recipient of the Degree of Chevalier, Order of DeMolay
- Recipient of the
Legion of Honor, Order of DeMolay
- Advisor, Joppa
Chapter, Order of DeMolay
- Owner 1981 Chevrolet Corvette, vette.jpg
- Randy and his Wonder Dog, Wilfrey
- Owner, Lone Pine Lunatics league champion fantasy football team